The world's most amazing hockey stick organizer

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The Problem:

Disorganized mess of hockey sticks - a safety risk to players, coaches, volunteers, and officials
Time and time again, we have all seen it ...
... when teammates get together to play hockey at rinks across Canada and hit the dressing rooms, a disorganized mess of hockey sticks quickly develops – usually inside and outside the dressing room.

Disorganized sticks in and around arena dressing rooms create a dangerous environment that are a serious liability hazard to players, coaches, trainers, officials, volunteers, parents, grandparents, siblings, friends and the public in general.

They are constantly at risk of:

  • tripping over disorganized sticks,
  • in danger of getting hit by a falling hockey stick or worse, a group of sticks.

The current systems in place to contain hockey sticks at arenas are ineffective and continue to:

  • pose a risk to the public,
  • leave Arena Operators and their Owners exposed to severe lawsuits.

Even when player’s sticks are placed:

  • in dressing room wall corners,
  • against walls, on floors in dressing rooms,
  • in an arena provided garbage can,
  • in-between an inadequate sort of stick organizer ...
    ... they inevitability get knocked over ...
    ... or, they simply lay disorganized:
    • across the dressing room floor,
    • beside and/or across doorways,
    • on arena hallway floors and/or walls
    • Or, a combination of all these!

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